At 5 Fold Team Ministries (5FTM) we understand the importance of simplicity and understanding where partnership is concerned. “…In all your getting, get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7, NKJV). The information below gives a clearer understanding of what it means to become in covenant with Bishop Brian M. Jones as your Apostle. Understanding the Ministry of the apostle is sent from Jesus Christ.
"This is the Purpose of the 5-Fold Team Ministries” To bring together the 5- fold gifts as in Eph 4:11-15 working with the local ministries to impart foundational truth and grace to the church. Uniting our anointing, time, talent and resources building in the Kingdom. As we proclaim Jesus, the Christ, as the Head of the church and the manifested Word of God, our goal is to teach the Word of God with simplicity and understanding. Restoration of the ministry of the true Apostles and Prophets and attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the full and accurate knowledge of the Son of God; then we will arrive at really mature manhood - the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ's own perfection - the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ, and the completeness found in Him.
What Covenant is: Covenant is relationship between people who support one another in the achievement of a common goal. According to Ephesians 4:16 and 1 Thessalonians 3:1-3, together we make up the body of Christ and should therefore support one another. As your partner, 5FTM wants to help you fulfill the will of God for your life. That’s what partners do—we help to maximize each other’s strengths.
A. A covenant is the foundation of the family.
1. A covenant is a promise that cannot be broken.
a. A covenant, as opposed to a contract, is based on promises, not conditions.
b. Covenant gives birth to family.
2. In the Old Testament, a covenant was established by blood (Genesis 15:8-10).
3. Jesus was the last blood sacrifice. Covenants, since then, are now established with words.
a. A covenant is a commitment or pledge by two or more parties to carry out the terms agreed upon.
B. The purpose of a covenant is to eliminate weaknesses.
1. When roles are well-defined and understood, a relationship can fulfill its purpose.
2. Each person should always remember his or her promises because it keeps the family together.
3. We need to challenge ourselves to be better than we are now.
C. A covenant is not the same as a contract.
1. A covenant promise means you give up your rights to the other person.
2. A contract aims to protect your rights; in essence saying that you don't trust another person.
3. A covenant means you've made up your mind to honor the promise made to the other person.
4. You can get out of a contract when difficulties arise, but a covenant is binding.
5. A covenant means that problems are opportunities for healing.
By no means is partnership just an avenue through which to raise finances. Instead, it involves a mutual exchange of faithfulness. Bishop Brian M. Jones an Apostle of Jesus Christ will faithfully and actively pray on your behalf daily, declaring the blessing—the empowerment to prosper and excel—on you and your ministry and business. Partners of this ministry have a right to connect to the anointing that is on this ministry so that they, too, can prosper spiritually, socially, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially.
The entire 5FTM family strives to reciprocate in meaningful ways the commitment that our Partners show. For example, this ministry hosts intimate Partner-Only Meetings. We endeavor to provide the best.
Our Part:
• Pray daily for God’s blessings to be on you
• Study and diligently seek the Word of God
• Minister to you personal life coaching monthly from Bishop Brian Jones, Apostle
• Furnish you with an official partner certificate
• Periodically offer special gifts for your spiritual edification and growth
• Be good stewards and operate with integrity and excellence
Your Part:
• Attend meetings in your area
• Always pray for Bishop Brian M Jones, his family and 5-fold Team Ministries
• Contact us periodically
• Actively strive to recruit new Partners
• Support the Apostle financially with your monthly offerings: Your Tithes and first fruits. "Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account” (Philippians 4:17).
Furthermore, as you sow toward the manifestation of 5FTM's vision, expect the manifestation of God’s vision for your life! Each of us possesses a supply of the anointing—empowerment to prosper. Through partnership, we all play a significant role in building the kingdom of God on the foundation of God’s love.
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